The Movie Community HomeLetzer Film Mittwoch, 05. Februar 2025  08:43 Uhr  Mitglieder Online2
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Death in Paradise (TV-Serie) (UK 2011)

Genre      Crime / Drama / Mystery
Buch    Robert Thorogood ... 
Darsteller    Ben Miller ... DI Richard Poole
Danny John-Jules ... Dwayne Myers
Gary Carr ... Fidel Best
Sara Martins ... Camille Bordey
Musik    Magnus Fiennes ... 
Kostüme    Yves Barre ... 
Art Direction    Steve Clark ... 
Studio    Atlantique Productions ... 
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) ... 
France Télévisions ... 
Kudos Film and Television ... 
Red Planet Pictures ... 
Région Guadeloupe ... 
Vertrieb    BBC Worldwide ... 
Fox ... 
Agent h03hn0r
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